A Challenge to Our Congregations: Make NJ a Fair and Welcoming UU State!

At the April 8 UULMNJ Plenary (Annual Meeting) held at the Ridgewood Unitarian Society, the Immigration Justice Task Force, in cooperation with the UULMNJ Board and Executive Director, publicized a Resolution of Support for Undocumented Persons Fair & Welcoming UU Resolution and a 7 month Challenge to NJ UU congregations to take action Fair and Welcoming UU Challenge.

Above are the links to the text of the Resolution and the Challenge to Act along with recommended action steps your community can take.

The proposal and the goal?  That every member UU congregation in New Jersey will take 3 out of the following 5+ actions to halt the misguided and overly harsh detentions and deportations of undocumented immigrants in our state and across the nation.

For more information, please get in touch with either Rev. Rob Gregson at the UULMNJ office or Ted Fetter, Chair, Immigration Task Force (fetter4@verison.net)