We are 1844 No More

“The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the denial of the right to vote “on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” But New Jersey’s law that denies the right to vote to people with criminal convictions undermines the Fifteenth Amendment’s prohibition on explicit racial discrimination by linking the right to vote to a racially discriminatory criminal justice system.

New Jersey leads the nation in having the highest racial disparities in having the highest Black/white incarceration rates for both adults and youth, making the laws racially discriminatory impact particularly acute.” – New Jersey Institute for Social Justice

Please join fellow UUs on Monday, September 24 at the Rutger’s-New Brunswick Student Center to partake it what is sure to be a riveting and informative discussion!

Interfaith Candidate Forum October 14

For those UUs and our friends who live in the 7th and 11th congressional districts an interfaith nonpartisan candidates forum on October 14, 2018 might be of interest.  (If you aren’t sure in which district you live, District 7 covers Hunterdon, most of Somerset, and a portion of Morris counties; Leonard Lance (R) is the current congressman for the 7th.  District 11 touches on District 7 to the east and represents the bulk of Morris Co. and includes parts of Essex, Passaic and Warren counties.  Rodney Frelinghuysen (R) is the retiring representative from the 11th.

The October forum is a collaborative interfaith effort to introduce voters to the major candidates running for the 7th and 11th congressional districts and for the US Senate seat from NJ. Attached is a draft of the plan for the event which we hope will gather a broad range of faith communities. Our intention is to be heard by the candidates, as well as to be heard by them. We are looking to highlight the issues of gun violence prevention, immigration, and environmental responsibility.

Lay Preaching Workshops


Come Grow Your Voice! Come Grow the Voice & Visibility of FaithAction!

UU FaithAction NJ is sponsoring a workshop to help lay folks learn the art of sermon writing and how to lead worship.  Our goal:

  • Grow FaithAction’s visibility in more of the 21 member congregations
  • Provide a valuable service to congregations looking to fill their pulpits in the summer, as well as throughout the year

Workshop in Two Parts

Part I focuses on generating written texts and will take place immediately prior to this year’s Fall Issues Conference at Beacon in Summit, NJ, Saturday, October 20 from 9:00 am to 10:30 am.   This session will be led by Rev. Karen G. Johnston.  Registration is required so please email admin@uufaithaction.org to secure your spot!

Part II folks come together from all NJ on Saturday, November 10, 10 -4 at The Unitarian Society in East Brunswick.  The second builds on the first, so attendance at the first is required in order to take part in the second.


Lay Preaching Workshops Coming Soon!

Come Grow Your Voice!  Come Grow the Voice & Visibility of FaithAction!

UU FaithAction NJ is sponsoring a workshop to help lay folks learn the art of sermon writing and how to lead worship.  Our goal:

  • Grow FaithAction’s visibility in more of the 21 member congregations
  • Provide a valuable service to congregations looking to fill their pulpits in the summer, as well as throughout the year

Workshop in Two Parts

Part I focuses on generating written texts, takes place at any UU congregation that accepts the invitation to schedule it.  Curriculum is provided for the 2.5 hour workshop.  

Part II folks come together from all NJ on Saturday, November 10, 10 -4 at The Unitarian Society in East Brunswick.  The second builds on the first, so attendance at the first is required in order to take part in the second. 

Has your minister scheduled one of the workshops to take place before the statewide one in November?  Check in with them to find out if it will be on your congregation’s schedule.  Maybe you can help make it happen.

New! View latest UU FaithAction NJ Action Alerts!

Do you need to reference an Action Alert that was deleted from your computer?  Or would you like access to the information to pass along to other like-minded individuals?  Now there is an easy way to access past Alerts!  Click on the following link and you will be directed to the most recent Action Alerts issued by UU Faith Action NJ.



What to do about ICE contracts with NJ Jails??

By now you may have seen several of our recent action alerts about the growing furor over multimillion dollar contracts several NJ counties have with ICE to house immigrant detainees in our county jails.

With recent news reports (click here to read a WNYC report from earlier this week.)

Several of us from UU FaithAction NJ attended county freeholder meetings Weds. and Thursday of this week in Essex and Hudson Counties respectively.  You can see a picture and some thoughts from both these meetings on our FB page here.

With the increased press and mounting frustration–and really, horror–at the size, pace and intention of the Trump administration’s campaign to round up undocumented immigrants, children AND asylum seekers there is mounting pressure to DO SOMETHING IN NEW JERSEY.

There is a renewed call in some quarters to pressure elected county officials to end their jail bed contract with ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).

Progressives, including UU FaithAction supporters and our allies, are suddenly caught in a difficult position.

On the one hand, our usual coalition partners (American Friends Service Committee, NJ Alliance for Immigrant Justice, First Friends, Wind of the Spirit and others)–though they continue to call for the immediate end of ICE’s veritable “war” on immigrants and the jailing of detainees in criminal settings, separating children from families, and denying potential asylum seekers at the border (now to include those fleeing gang and domestic violence, according to Attorney General Jeffery Beauregard Sessions)–do not support is the immediate or imminent closure of ICE contracts wtih Hudson, Bergen, Cape May and Essex counties.

On the other hand, it raises the legitimate question, being raised publicly by our concerned progressive partners at Resist the Deportation Machine Coalition and national immigrant-led group COSECHA: Why not? 

These groups–who are gaining support and greater news coverage with their direct challenge to the Democratic county freeholders and vested interests–demand to know why we wouldn’t support an end to these morallly indefensible contracts that–in the case of my own county, Essex–brings in $36 million dollars ANNUALLY to the county budget, on the backs of thousands of immigrant black and brown detainees.

Many of us have struggled these past several weeks with that question.  Below is our response as UU FaithAction NJ.  In the meantime, we hope you will share this Education Alert with your congregations, ministers, neighbors and friends who may–in their desire to do SOMETHING–be swayed to agree with the END ICE CONTRACTS NOW argument which, in our analyses, would do THE WRONG THING AT THIS MOMENT IN TIME.

PLEASE CONSIDER THIS CAREFULLY: what detainees and their families have been telling us for several years now, and what we continue to fear given the Trump administration’s deep antipathy towards immigrants from south of our border, is that CLOSING THESE LOCAL FACILITIES WILL NOT FREE OR OTHERWISE MAKE THE DETAINEES’ SITUATION BETTER.

The simple truth is that NJ counties have no control over the actual status of the Federally-governed, ICE-administered “inmates.”  The perverse (and most likely scenario) if we end ICE contracts in NJ is that the Trump administration would simply transfer detainees from NJ to more distant and more Republican states, out of the reach of their families, to state and local governments even less concerned with their dignity or welfare.

Here is a useful short statement from Sally Pillay of First Friends, a group that supports detainees in the various jails and helps them when they are released:

“We care about the plight of individuals incarcerated, and we believe if the facilities are closed in New Jersey, then ICE will transfer individuals to remote locations where there is no access to advocates holding ICE and facilities accountable to the conditions,” she said. “These individuals will suffer more without support.”

What can you do in the midst of all the fray?  Sign this petition and educate your congregation, clergy, liaisons and anyone else you can think of in NJ on the Fair and Welcoming STATE movement currently before the Governor and others.  The link is here:  https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/new-jersey-leadership-make-new-jersey-fair-and-welcoming-to-all-protect-families-from-deportation 

Do you have a more relaxed coffee hour, fellowship time, worship setting during the summer?  Please consider championing this issue as a topic of conversation sometime over the next few weeks.

Below is a synopsis of what we and others are calling for through the Fair and Welcoming State initiative.  We of course recognize that among UUs, as among all individuals, there will be, at times, differences of opinion among well-meaning and informed individuals.  We appreciate the continued sharing of ideas, news and opinion among all UUs and our friends (this often happens on our FB page, link above.)

New Jersey must end all relationships with ICE and CBP now 

  • We call on our state leadership to declare New Jersey a Fair and Welcoming state by ensuring that no state, county, or local New Jersey agency, department, or law enforcement body is involved in cruel and unjust detention and deportations.
  • New Jersey has the third largest percentage of immigrant population in the United States with thousands of immigrant families and children who are fearful of ICE detention and deportation. Children are traumatized by this separation and uncertainty over their future.
  • Our state and local taxpayer resources – including funds, facilities, equipment, and staff – should not be used for civil federal immigration enforcement.
  • Our families deserve to go to school, shelters, hospitals, courthouses, police stations, and state agencies without fearing ICE’s presence in those space.
  • Our local and state resources must not be used to detain our immigrant families for federal immigration enforcement purposes. New Jersey will not be a part of this system of family separations.
  • In addition, New Jersey leadership should expand access to driver’s licenses for all so that people won’t have to fear that driving without a license will lead to a referral to ICE and family separation

As ever, we appreciate your ongoing support and the free and respectful exchange of ideas among all of us who care about the inherent worth and dignity of our immigrant neighbors and friends, regardless of their official status.

In faith, with love, for justice,

Ted Fetter, Immigration Reform Task Force Chair

Rev. Rob Gregson, Exec. Director, UU FaithAction NJ

Training Program for Social Justice Leadership Announced

We are excited to let you know about a training program for Social Justice leadership being offered through the UU Rowe Camp and Conference Center. The training will take place over two weekends, one in November and one in May 2019.

The goal of this training is to engage emerging and existing justice leaders in creative, action oriented, sustainable spirit-centered movement, social justice and coalition building.

The new Sustainable Leadership for Social Change certificate program begins this November at the Rowe Center. This program is geared to train new social activists, to explore how we sustain this work and to support those already immersed in the work of justice. They will emphasize coalition and fusion work, sustainability and resiliency, strategy development and adaptability, healthy group decision making and collaborative leadership.

A two-year certificate program with two weekend workshops and two week-long intensives each year.
(Nov. 11-16, 2018 & May 5-10, 2019, Fall 2019 & Spring 2020 TBD)

Find out more:

The Rowe Camp and Conference Center
22 Kings Highway, P.O. Box 273
Rowe, MA 01367

www.rowecenter.org or (413) 339-4954

C. Nancy Reid-McKee, MDiv, Director, nancy@rowecenter.org and Indica Harris, Assistant Director, india@rowecenter.org