Issues 2019 – Immigration Task Force Report

Immigration Justice Task Force

The Immigration Justice Task Force has had the benefit of two summer interns, who helped us be ready to launch two and possibly three action projects for volunteers to provide direct help to undocumented persons.  Much of the groundwork has been done.  The action projects are 1) temporary housing for persons released from detention, 2) accompaniment for persons who need to report regularly to ICE and/or attend court hearings, and possibly 3) provide transportation assistance to persons traveling from the southern border to temporary stays with family.
On the housing effort, First Friends of NJ and NY has established a very good program, and they have been able to hold one training session so far for UU volunteers.  We expect that First Friends will agree to several more training sessions.  On accompaniment, we have identified two organizations and possibly a third with which to work, channeling UU volunteers to them for training and assignment to specific opportunities for service.  One training opportunity has occurred, and we are developing others.  On transportation assistance, we have so far not found an organization in place in New Jersey offering help, and we will decide (based on the level of interest) whether we think that FaithAction itself can sustain the program.
Many details still need to be worked out, but we look forward to an opportunity for volunteers who are able to get involved with specific cases and provide direct service to those who need it.