Just One Thing

September 3, 2020

In this space, we will lift opportunities for immediate actions as part of mission to Educate, Advocate, and Mobilize. Sometimes life can be quite hectic, but here is your personal invitation to embody Unitarian Universalists values with simple and direct action. Can you do Just One Thing?

Take Action to Preserve New Jersey’s Drivers’ License Expansion Legislation

Last December, after years of advocates’ effort, the NJ Legislature passed and the Governor signed bill A.4743/S.3229 which expanded access to driver’s licenses to all residents of New Jersey regardless of immigration status.

The Motor Vehicle Commission recently released its proposed regulations implementing this legislation. We have serious concerns about these regulations, specifically that they will have the effect of deterring many eligible individuals from obtaining driver’s licenses because of unnecessary procedural requirements. The proposed regulations impose unnecessary procedural requirements that will undermine the purposes of this landmark legislation and expose applicants to federal government scrutiny.

Take action to send a message to the DMV and Governor Murphy indicating your unwavering support for the intent of A.4743/S.2339 Driver’s License Expansion Legislation.

Take Action