UULMNJ Liaison Training

Save the Date! September 12, 2015

Dear Liaisons and Task Force Chairs.

There is never enough time at our state-wide UULMNJ meetings to do enough training and strategizing.  Yet, this time is crucial to the effectiveness of UULMNJ efforts.  I am inviting you to a UULMNJ training and strategizing summit on September 12 to be held at Washington Crossing.  This is an opportunity for us to get feedback from around the state to see how we can serve our congregations and public policy work better.

You will be receiving training on working with media, Salsa, zoom, bill tracking service and the other tools available to you to do UULMNJ work.  There will also be ample time for task forces to plan, strategize and collaborate with the liaisons.  I am asking at least one representative from each congregation and three leaders from each task force to attend. If you have someone who might be interested in taking more of a leadership role, bring them along.  If you can’t make it, ask someone to come in your stead.  We would like to make this a huge success with full participation from all of our congregations and task forces.

Please mark your calendar and plan to join UULMNJ for this worthwhile and important meeting.   The session will be from 9:30 to 2 pm. Lunch will be served.

Please RSVP by Aug. 30 to director@uulmnj.org

Thank you,


PS: While you have your calendars our, the regular Fall Issues Conference will be held Oct. 17.