Holiday Letter

December 24, 2021

Dear Friends,

Here we are, once again, nearing the end of yet another holiday season and with only a handful of days left in the year, that has been 2021. Looking back, the most honest thing we can say is that it certainly was not exactly what we expected.

It was this time a year ago that the very first COVID-19 vaccination was administered in the U.S. and twelve months later it continues to be the headline story. Here in New Jersey, the overall rate for those fully vaccinated is 70.1%—slightly higher than the national rate of 61.7%. Today’s conversation centers on the need for boosters especially in light of the fast-spreading omicron variant. We continue to encourage everyone who can to be fully vaccinated including the booster. COVID isn’t done with us yet, despite our overwhelming desire to be done with COVID. Expectations.

On January 6th, 2021, we witnessed in real-time an attempted insurrection in the nation’s capital. In a country that has been committed to the peaceful transfer of power, the shockwaves continue to ripple from this unmistakeable warning to the safeguards of our political system. There is work to be done. Expectations.

Here in New Jersey, the year ended with a much tighter than expected governor’s race. The lame duck legislative session has been a mixed bag. While there have been some bills that have forwarded our social justice agenda, there has been a disappointing lack of action on crucial issues including the Reproductive Freedom Act, Reparations, Safe Storage of Firearms, Immigration, and Criminal Justice Reform. Once again, it’s clear there is work to be done. Expectations.

Yet, despite this year of sometimes disappointing expectations, there has been one area that has consistently exceeded our expectations: the inspiring commitment and action of those who make the work of UU FaithAction NJ possible. YOU have stepped up in so many ways. In a world where Zoom fatigue is a real thing, you’ve shown resilience and adaptability to keep the work of this organization going. We talk about our threefold mission here to Educate, Advocate, and Mobilize. Our task forces under the tremendous leadership of our task force chairs, continue to move our mission forward. The commitment of our youth through FAIR to explore advocacy for inclusivity in their schools is inspiring. Our liaisons have helped to remind our congregations of the ongoing work of UUFANJ even in the midst of virtual gatherings. Members of the Board continue to discern the path for this organization going forward, to live into its mission and vision. The staff and consultants bring their best selves to this work.

None of this work would be possible without those who put their faith in action by responding to action alerts on legislation, taking advantage of educational opportunities to expand our reach through closer partnerships with congregations and coalition groups, and supporting this work through gifts of time, expertise and financial resources. Expectations, indeed!

In these times where the call to the work of social justice, equity, and compassion have never been clearer, it is good to name our expectations. The struggle is not easy and it is an ongoing effort. It requires perseverance and humility. Now more than ever, there is a need for grace and gentleness with one another, as we find a way though what often feels like unprecedented times.

Know this: We thank you for all that you do. You are a blessing. We look forward to the work ahead with great expectations!

In faith, with love and for justice,

Charles Loflin, Executive Director
Mia Morse, President, Board of Trustees

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