Stand with UU FaithAction at The People’s State of the State

Stand up in support of economic, political, and social justice at The People’s State of the State!

New Jerseyans are still waiting for movement on critical issues like a $15 minimum wage for all workers, drivers licenses for all, marijuana legalization, environmental justice, and a tax code that ensures the wealthiest pay their fair share.

We deserve lawmakers who share our sense of urgency and recognize that now is not the time for politics as usual. Now is the time to create a stronger and more-inclusive state for all residents, not just the wealthy and well-connected.

Together we can create the fairer and more-just New Jersey we all envision. Join us on January 10th outside the State House Annex!

WHEN:  January 10, 2019 at 10am – 12pm
WHERE:  State House Annex
131 W State St
Trenton, NJ 08608
United States

Oppose New Jersey Redistricting

NJ legislative leaders–primarily Democrats–are supporting a horrible amendment to the NJ constitution, a purely political proposal to increase the ability of politicians to choose their voters.  The usual term for it is “gerrymandering.” It would also embed the two-party system into the state’s constitution, a blatant attempt to weaken third parties like the Green and Libertarian parties. Every group that testified on the proposed amendment this past week opposed it. UUs and our allies should oppose this most recent attempt to codify gerrymandering too. 

Despite the fact that this doesn’t easily fall under one of UU FaithAction’s six issue areas, it flies directly in the face of our 5th Principle: “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.

For example, the amendment not only gives the sitting Senate president, House speaker, and minority leaders the power to appoint eight members to the redistricting commission.  It also requires that four of those appointees must be sitting legislators. This would clearly empower elected officials to have an oversized influence on who votes in their own or their own party’s races.

Furthermore, an analysis by the Princeton Gerrymandering Project demonstrates that in creating districts that the amendment calls “competitive” could actually lead to an overrepresentation of the majority party in the legislature. 

While the proposed amendment would mandate respecting “communities of interest”, there are no protections for racial equity and too few public hearings to establish truly representative communities of interest.

Additionally, the explanatory paragraphs that describe the amendment on the required statewide ballot are also misleading: they give no hint of the radical change to representative democracy this amendment entails. What seem like “motherhood and apple pie” goals are more like poisoned apples presented to an innocent public.

Finally, New Jersey would be much better served by a non-partisan redistricting process like California’s, rather than a partisan (even if bipartisan) process designed to protect incumbents, party loyalists, and further entrench the Democratic and Republican parties themselves.  Our partners at the League of Women Voters proposes such a non-partisan process in their Fair Districts New Jersey Project. 

Please make it a priority!  Call or write your senator and assembly members to oppose SCR152 and ACR205 (and earlier SCR43 and ACR60).


What You Can Do:

1. Send an email to your legislators letting them know New Jersey deserves a fair redistricting process and fair maps!

2. Call your legislator’s district office to voice your opposition to SCR152/ACR205. Review our sample script and talking points here

3. Visit the League’s “Partisan Gerrymandering” resource webpage and learn more about the undemocratic proposals being fast-tracked through the Legislature

Thank you for your attention to this very important issue!

Executive Director Rob Gregson attends Gov. Murphy press conference

A last minute press conference called by NJ Governor Phil Murphy, with State of New Jersey Attorney Generals Office AG Gurbir Grewal to announce a new push on gun violence prevention legislation following the Pittsburgh massacre at Tree of Life Synagogue. Pleased to be in the company of longtime GVP activist, Kathy Allen Roth, UU FaithAction GVP Task Force and Beacon Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Summit member.

UU FaithAction Supporting Driver’s License Initiative

Executive Director Rob Gregson, center, at the NJ State House

On Monday, October 29, Executive Director Rob Gregson, along with fellow Immigration Task Force Chair, Ted Fetter, and Eileen Bird (Princeton), Clara Haignere (Princeton), Jasmine Ueng-McHale (Washington Crossing), Hannah Gallo, and Barbara Jensen attended a rally at the New Jersey State Assembly to show Unitarian Universalist support of issuing undocumented immigrants a New Jersey driver’s license.


Institute of Social Justice Rally for the 94%

Ninety-four percent of Black voters cast their ballots for Governor Phil Murphy in 2017. Without this support from the Black community, it is unlikely that Phil Murphy would be New Jersey’s governor: Fifty-three percent of white voters supported his opponent. But nine months into his administration, Governor Murphy has not focused on critical issues facing the 94%.

2018 Fall Issues Conference

Register Here!

UU FaithAction’s Fall Issues Conference takes place on Saturday Oct. 20 from 10:00 am until 4:00 p.m.  Hosted this year by our member congregation, Beacon UU Congregation of Summit in Summit, the conference features Senator Raymond Lesniak as our keynote speaker, issues-related break out groups and a working lunch.  The Summit congregation is active in antiracism and immigration justice work and we are very pleased to partner together in support of a more just and hopeful New Jersey.

UU FaithAction Marches to Keep Families Together

When, in mid June 2018, we learned that the Trump administration’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) was–on top of everything else–separating children from their parents at the U.S. border, UU FaithAction NJ stepped up our efforts to speak out.  12 UU protestors and our friends marched at the June 30th “Keep Families Together” rally in Newark NJ.