2018 Fall Issues Conference

Register Here!

UU FaithAction’s Fall Issues Conference takes place on Saturday Oct. 20 from 10:00 am until 4:00 p.m.  Hosted this year by our member congregation, Beacon UU Congregation of Summit in Summit summitbeacon.org, the conference features Senator Raymond Lesniak as our keynote speaker, issues-related break out groups and a working lunch.  The Summit congregation is active in antiracism and immigration justice work and we are very pleased to partner together in support of a more just and hopeful New Jersey.

Economic Justice Monthly Task Force Call

The monthly conference call held the 4th Thursday of every month to update and strategize around furthering economic justice in New Jersey. To join the video call using a desktop/laptop computer or smartphone (strongly preferred for ease of use!) or by phone, please see details below.  All are welcome to attend!

Jerry Fried (UU Montclair) Chair

For more information, please email Jerry at econ_justice@uufaithaction.org

Topic: Economic Justice TF meeting
Time: this is a recurring meeting; meet anytime

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/3422164493

Or dial one of the following two numbers to join by phone and then follow the prompt to enter Meeting ID code below:
+1 646 558 8656
+1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID:
342 216 4493